never enough time

 ever since i've started college, it's been rough trying to find enough time for me. I have also started a new job, part-time thankfully. I tuesdays and thursdays I go to school from 7 am to 1 pm, come home change then usually go to work until 9. pretty rough. I do love earning my own money, it makes me feel proud in a way. I get tempted to buy so much junk i don't need, when in reality I have college payments and future car payments to make :(. I am treating myself to a brand new piercing this weekend!! wooo

I am getting an industrial piercing, which is just a cool piercing for your ear. I personally love the way piercings and tattoos look as they are an external form of self-expression and you can really tell alot about a person based on how they express themselves on the outside. I just wish that things like piercings and tattoos weren't considered "taboo" in society, and that they could be accepted for what they are. I remember taking a medical class a year ago and my teacher saying "Who here would like their doctor to have tattoos and piercings?" with an already disapproving face. In my head I was like I would 100% rather have a doctor with piercings and tattoos, they're probably way more laid back.although that might be a little naive on my part haha.

anyways, back to the ORIGINAL topic, it seems impossible to fit things into my schedule that I enjoy (like talking about piercings and tattoos haha). It seems like the second i lay my head down for bed, it is morning already and I have to drag myself out of bed for yet another day. i wish i had more time for stuff like painting, going for bike rides, and spending time with my family, friend's, and dog. right now i'm feeling ok because i keep telling myself that i don't have a choice in what i'm doing. i'm sensing a burnout soon so i'm bracing myself. until next time...


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