a bit stressed

hello everyone (i think literally no one reads my blogs lol but its okay!!) I have decided to get my daily blogpost out of the way because I did not do one last week. I believe my last blog post was about me being happy and optimistic and I am no longer in that mindset ;-;

school has been absolutely crazy. I feel like i'm drowning in writing assignments and labs, etc. If i'm not at school or doing schoolwork then i'm at work. Lately i've been working closing shift so i get out at 10:00 or later which absolutely sucks. I feel like I barely have time to sleep eat or breathe and I don't know what to do to fix it. My room is always a mess, and if you have talked to me a few months before, my room would have never been caught messy. 

anyway sorry for the pretty uneventful, (and negative!) blog post this week. however I think im going to chicago this weekend with some friends which sounds nice :) so theres at least one silver lining to all this chaos. anyways, ill see you guys in a few days for my reflection about the documentary i still have yet to watch. 


  1. I feel the same exact way, I'm jealous of those who don't have to work during college. I feel like I'm drowning in assignments too, what I find that helps me is making a list and crossing off each thing after doing them, I don't know why but It's satisfying to cross them off lol. I hope you're able to finish all your work, just know you're not alone, you got this! :)

  2. thank you sm !! :) i am very glad to learn that i am not alone in feeling this way. I agree, checking off a physical list is just as satisfying as closing all of your tabs after a big essay/project. we got this!!


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