
I didn't really know what to write about this week, so i just decided to fawn over my love for music. I spent about 80 percent of my day listening to music. Ironically enough though at this very moment I am only able to listen to music in my right ear. I recently got an ear piercing in my left ear, and I accidentally slept on it and it started bleeding profusely..... so currently I have wrapped it in gauze and medical tape and I'm praying that the bleeding stops on its own. So to cope with the fact that I can't use both headphones and get the premium listening experience, I'm writing about my love for music.

 in my opinion, there is nothing quite better than a nice playlist. for me, making playlists and designing the covers for it is one of the most therapeutic things possible. it's like when people would make mixtapes or cds and then hand make a little cover for it. there is not a single time at school (besides in class obviously), where i'm not listening to music. it makes the days go by so much quicker and it honestly helps my mood, whatever it may be at the time. not to mention, i feel like music genuinely helps me work faster and more efficient too, whether that be doing a chore or homework. 

I feel like there's also something traversal about music, which is one of the many things that makes it special. Certain songs and artists can be passed down through different generations, which is probably one of my favorite things ever. My mom listened to so much music throughout her life, and all of her recommendations will hold a certain soft spot in my heart. I feel like music is such a personal thing, so when someone shares it with you it's a different kind of vulnerability and it really makes me feel special. if anyone who is reading this has any special music recommendations, please comment them, and if you're interested, follow me on spotify :)! its miahar0


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