for a pessimist I'm pretty optimistic

 Since my blog has been just a lot of negative thoughts lately, I have decided to change it up this week with some things I enjoy in my life :) also pretty happy with the name of this post as it is not only the name of my favorite Paramore song, but I also found it very fitting. 

one positive thing is the grade I got on my microtheme !! I got an 87% which is not too bad, but I mainly enjoyed the feedback I got. I really appreciate when teachers give feedback because it allows me to correct and better myself because I know what I can improve on. Another thing is now that I have been working and going to college for a few weeks, I am starting to get the hang of my schedule (knock on wood!!). I am still very busy with plenty to do but atleast I have something to do.

another thing I am grateful for is my dog, photo included above, because after a long grueling shift at work, or a hectic day at school I can come home to her and wind down. She hasn't always been easy to deal with, but i feel like she needs me just as much as I need her. 

While I may not be able to do the hobbies I once enjoyed, i understand that all of this work is a part of growing up. It was, and still is, a tough pill to swallow but I believe I can understand it all a bit more. 

anyway, that's all I have for this week. thank you so much for reading and please take care. 

p.s if you're still reading this let me know your favorite coffee or smoothie order 


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