thoughts of an anxious college student!

 as the name entails, I am a bit anxious to write this post. however, I seem to be anxious about everything else too so there's not exactly a rhyme or reason for my current anxiety. like all things, staying active and writing in this blog will take some getting used to. the idea of having my own little personal space is a bit thrilling. i hope that i can really personalize this blog in these next few weeks to come. now that my little introduction is done, let me introduce myself and my initial thoughts about college.

as you may know, my name is mia and i am a first year college student. as of right now, i am feeling a bit overwhelmed with college. there is always so much going on, so much walking, so many people, its hard to keep track of what is what. unfortunately for me, i decided to wait until the very first day of college to discover where my classrooms where, which led to me dragging myself all over campus in hopes of finding where i'm actually supposed to be. in a sad, almost morbid way, i find myself longing to be a child again. 

i remember thinking to myself in fifth grade, "wow having a job and going to college sounds like it sucks so bad, thank god i have quite a few years until i actually have to do that". now here I am typing my feelings away on a blog, for my COLLEGE class, haha. the one perk is that college gives you a lot more freedom than highschool ever would. now whether that is a good or bad thing depends on the person. anyway, i'm gonna wrap it up here, and pray that my next entry will have more meaning or structure to it. until next time!


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