
Showing posts from October, 2021


   I feel as though I have a sufficient amount of blog posts for a good midterm grade, but I decided to include this one for good measure! These last few weeks have kind of all blended together and flown by simultaneously. I keep thinking of incentives to give myself as motivation haha.  i like making plans with friends because it always gives me motivation to finish the week off strong and end on a happy note. I also lowkey have a shopping addiction to buying stuff from the job that I don't need and I end up stock piling. In my spare time i play genshin impact and cookie run kingdom to distract myself from all of my adult responsibilities lmao.  also is anyone else so unprepared with the new freezing weather? i swear just last week it was in the 80s and bright and sunny and beautiful and now every morning it takes every inch of motivation in me to leave my warm warm bed. anyway sorry for the random blog post, i'll see you next week and enjoy the song I put haha

The Hunting Ground

  (thank you Dr.Kyburz for the cool imbedding trick) I decided to watch The Hunting Ground for my documentary project because it is still very relevant in society, and in my life since I am a female on campus. Also recently, IU Bloomington and other colleges are still very recently covering up reports of sexual assault, in order to protect their fraternities, which made me ultimately choose this documentary to see how nothing has changed.  I think one scene that particularly got to me was when the victims of on-campus sexual assault told their stories about when they had to tell their parents what happened. Everyone that told their story was extremely emotional and they felt so sorrowful for something that was never their fault. Just the idea of all these young women and men reluctantly telling their parents that they got violated in the most horrible way possible is heartbreaking, so to know that their colleges dismissed them and made them feel at fault makes me so angry. To watch the

a bit stressed

hello everyone (i think literally no one reads my blogs lol but its okay!!) I have decided to get my daily blogpost out of the way because I did not do one last week. I believe my last blog post was about me being happy and optimistic and I am no longer in that mindset ;-; school has been absolutely crazy. I feel like i'm drowning in writing assignments and labs, etc. If i'm not at school or doing schoolwork then i'm at work. Lately i've been working closing shift so i get out at 10:00 or later which absolutely sucks. I feel like I barely have time to sleep eat or breathe and I don't know what to do to fix it. My room is always a mess, and if you have talked to me a few months before, my room would have never been caught messy.  anyway sorry for the pretty uneventful, (and negative!) blog post this week. however I think im going to chicago this weekend with some friends which sounds nice :) so theres at least one silver lining to all this chaos. anyways, ill see you